Saturday, August 18, 2018

Get Matching Aspect Ratios for Dual Monitors

I recently replaced one of my monitor I use in my dual monitor set up. My left, primary monitor is a 22 inch using 1680 x 1050 as the recommended resolution. My new, right monitor is a 21.5 inch using 1920 x 1090.

left = 16:10 aspect ratio   right = 16:9 ratio

The right one turns out to be wider and not as tall.

When moving screens from one to the other, they don't match. If I try to make them match in the resolution of the right to that of the left, I get blurrier display and vertical black bars on the left and right and a smaller display.

I like having matching resolutions for my dual monitors.

This table from is a useful guide.

Desktop LCD Monitor Comparison (Pixel Table)

This table shows the screen resolution, pixel density (pixel pitch in pixels per inch, ppi), size of one square pixel, aspect ratio of the screen, number of pixels (megapixels or MP), and pixel area gain compared to a 1024 by 768 pixel XGA resolution for various display sizes (measured by the viewable diagonal).
SizeResolutionDensityPixel SizeRatioPixelsGain
14.1"1024 x 76890.8 ppi0.2798 mm4:30.75 MP100%
14"1366 x 768111.9 ppi0.2269 mm~16:91.00 MP133%
15"1024 x 76885.3 ppi0.2977 mm4:30.75 MP100%
17"1280 x 76887.8 ppi0.2893 mm5:30.94 MP125%
17"1280 x 102496.4 ppi0.2634 mm5:41.25 MP167%
17"1440 x 90099.9 ppi0.2543 mm16:101.24 MP165%
18"1280 x 102491.1 ppi0.2789 mm5:41.25 MP167%
18.4"1366 x 76885.2 ppi0.2982 mm~16:91.0 MP133%
19"1280 x 102486.3 ppi0.2944 mm5:41.25 MP167%
19"1440 x 90089.4 ppi0.2842 mm16:101.24 MP165%
19"1680 x 1050104.3 ppi0.2436 mm16:101.68 MP224%
20"1400 x 105087.5 ppi0.2903 mm4:31.4 MP187%
20"1600 x 90091.8 ppi0.2767 mm16:91.37 MP183%
20"1680 x 105099.1 ppi0.2564 mm16:101.68 MP224%
20.1"1600 x 120099.5 ppi0.2553 mm4:31.83 MP244%
21"1680 x 105094.3 ppi0.2692 mm16:101.68 MP224%
21.3"1600 x 120093.9 ppi0.2705 mm4:31.83 MP244%
21.5"1920 x 1080102.5 ppi0.2479 mm16:91.98 MP264%
22"1600 x 102486.3 ppi0.2942 mm25:161.56 MP208%
22"1680 x 105090.1 ppi0.2821 mm16:101.68 MP224%
22"1920 x 1080100.1 ppi0.2537 mm16:91.98 MP264%
22.2"1920 x 1200102 ppi0.2490 mm16:102.2 MP293%
22.2"3840 x 2400204 ppi0.1245 mm16:108.79 MP1'172%
23"1920 x 108095.8 ppi0.2652 mm16:91.98 MP264%
23"1920 x 120098.4 ppi0.258 mm16:102.2 MP293%
24"1920 x 108091.8 ppi0.2767 mm16:91.98 MP264%
24"1920 x 120094.3 ppi0.2692 mm16:102.2 MP293%
26"1920 x 120087.1 ppi0.2917 mm16:102.2 MP293%
27"1920 x 108081.6 ppi0.3113 mm16:91.98 MP264%
27"1920 x 120083.9 ppi0.3029 mm16:102.2 MP293%
27"2560 x 1440108.8 ppi0.2335 mm16:93.52 MP469%
30"2560 x 1600100.6 ppi0.2524 mm16:103.91 MP521%
32"1024 x 76840 ppi0.635 mm4:30.75 MP100%
40"1024 x 76832 ppi0.7938 mm4:30.75 MP100%

Monday, July 30, 2018

Steps to Delete OST File from Outlook 2016 / 2013 / 2010 / 2007

Deleting .ost file is quite easy if you know the location. Simply locate the Outlook folder and select .ost file and delete. But you do not know the location of OST file then follow the steps mentioned below. Remember one thing that location of .ost file different in different versions of Outlook. 
Quit Outlook (If it is Running).
Go to Run window or press windows key + r.
Type “%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Outlook\” in the Run window and click OK.
Note: – The command will automatically locate .ost file from any Outlook 2016/2013/2010/2007/2003/2000.
Select the .ost file and either right-click on it and then hit on Delete option or press Delete Key.
I used this process to get my Outlook to actually update the cache. I had disabled the cache through
File\Account Settings\
Double Click the Profile Email

After I did so, I could see my email and the shared email account, but it was not nearly as responsive.

After I deleted the .ost file, Outlook took some time to re-load the cache (about 10 minutes). But it was faster after that.

Friday, June 01, 2018

Notepad++ Preferences

Configure to use spaces instead of tabs
Settings->Preferences->Language Check "Replace by space"

Show white space
View->Show Symbol->Show all characters ?

Set style of white space
Settings->Style Configurator->Global Styles->White space symbols

Git Visualizations

Here are some visualization tools for git repositories

For github, for your project

Git GUI. It should already be installed on your machine with Git for Windows.
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Git
From Git GUI, go to the “Repository/Visualize All Branch History” menu item


TortoiseGit does have a log functionality that is useful

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Beyond Compare: Insert spaces instead of tabs

To change the way Beyond Compare behaves when you enter a tab 
- Go to the menu \Tools\File Formats
- Select the "Everything Else" option that has a Misc tab
- Check the Insert spaces instead of tabs
- Change tab stops to 4 spaces

Saturday, May 19, 2018

How to setup Google Cloud Print

I spent several hours this morning trying to get a printer so that it would be available for other computers on my home network to print.

I have a desktop upstairs with a wireless connection. For whatever reason, it cannot connect consistently to my printer when set up through WiFi nor on the wired downstairs desktop when connected by USB. I have reproduced the problem when I sit next to the upstairs desktop using my laptop.

In short,
1 - Set up Google Cloud Print Service so that your printer will be available even if you are not logged into the computer that has your printer attached
2 - Install Google Cloud Printer driver on the windows computers that you want to print from.
3 - Share the Google Cloud Printer with others you want to be able to print from a Chromebook.

For more detail, follow the video tutorial. It helped me get my printing up and running.
How to setup Google Cloud Print

You can get the Google Cloud Print Connector here

Google Cloud Print Service

I also tried installing "Cloud Print for Windows".

It seems to do what the Google Cloud Print Service already does. But with some windows apps to configure it.

I also tried installing Google Cloud Printer driver.


Sunday, April 29, 2018

Require HTTPS or SSL with URL Rewrite

Back in 2016, I was trying to get an IIS app to run locally

I got this error:
HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error
The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.

I removed the content of the web.config inside the root node. I added them back in a section at a time. It was the node that caused the error.

I had to install
on my Windows 7 machine. Then the error went away.

Here is an example what to put in the node of your web.config

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Steps I took to install Windows 10 on a New Hard Drive

I am installing Windows 10 on a new machine. I used the "Create Windows 10 installation media" tool from
to create a USB to install Windows 10 from.

I had to press F12 while it was booting up while the USB was in the correct slot. The first slot I picked did not work.

I also had to disconnect the secondary hard drive.

I had to partition the hard drive and format it. I used method 3 from I found this from his video,

Method 3
1. When you see the error in question, press Shift+F10 to open the command prompt.
2. In the command prompt type diskpart and hit Enter.
3. Then type list disk and hit Enter.
4. Type select disk  X (X being the local drive.), and then hit Enter. In my case the disk where I want to install Windows 7 is Disk 0, so the command would be “select disk 0”
5. Type clean and hit Enter.
6. Now type create partition primary size=5000 and hit Enter.
7. Now type format fs=ntfs quick and phit Enter. This command will format the partition using NTFS.
8. Type assign and hit Enter. This will assign a drive letter to the partition.
9. Type active and hit Enter.
10. Type list volume and hit Enter. To list the drive letters of the Windows installation media (USB/Disc).

I modified the steps above. I used the diskpart command line program to partition and format the whole SSD. I had the secondary hard drive plugged in. One of the other methods probably would have worked if I had disconnected it to begin with. Once I disconnected it and tried again, it was able to start the installation.

When the installation wizard asked, I entered my license key from the defective hard drive.

I did not have it use a Microsoft account. I used a disconnected one.

The first error was "We couldn't create a new partition or locate an existing one.". This was fixed by using diskpart to partition and format the disk.

The second error was "we couldn't install windows in the location you choose 0x80300001" I solved this by powering off the PC and disconnecting the secondary hard drive.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Show Titles of Windows in Taskbar

 [Windows-Logo]+[Q] and search for taskbar

Go down to the "Combine taskbar buttons" and change the setting to "When taskbar is full"

Friday, March 09, 2018

A tooltip is stuck on the desktop and will not go away.

On my new Windows 10 laptop, I sometimes will get a tooltip that remains on the screen. It stays if I switch applications, if I minimize, if I lock the screen.

From Microsoft Answers I found that if I press [Windows Key] + [D], it minimizes all windows and it goes away.

Thursday, February 08, 2018

Remove Advertise from Google Chrome

I followed the instructions at

It did find some things to remove but it the "RocketTab powered by Advertise" remained in my Google search results. It was not until I reset my Google Chrome settings that it went away "Restore settings to their original defaults"

I found this at

Hopefully it sticks.

Somehow I got software installed that injects ads into the top part of my Google Search results. About 2 seconds after I searched, I saw some new search results show up that pushed down the actual Google results. They had a small header that said, "RocketTab powered by Advertise"

This article allowed me to remove it. "Remove Ad by Advertise" from I had already done several things that I have done before to remove adware that sometimes gets on my computer.

- Uninstall applications that you may have unintentionally installed. Sometimes software you want includes other software that piggy backs in the installation program. You have to watch for this. Always run the detailed installation and make sure you skip the other apps that have paid them to be included.

- Check for Google Chrome Extensions that may have slipped in using similar tactics on web pages.

The step I had not done before was to create a new user within Chrome and delete the old one. There must be data or something else in there that was keeping "RocketTab powered by Advertise" going.


Saturday, January 13, 2018

How to change Windows 10 Lock Screen Timeout Period

Windows 10 has a beautiful "Windows Spotlight" background on the lock screen.
The problem is that by default you only get a minute of it. Here is how to set that value.

(Similar instructions at )

Open Registry Editor and navigate to the following key: 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\ Control\ Power\ PowerSettings\ 7516b95f-f776-4464-8c53-06167f40cc99\ 8EC4B3A5-6868-48c2-BE75-4F3044BE88A7 
Now in the right pane, you will see Attributes. Double-click on it to change its DWORD value data from the default 1 to 2.
Having done this, now open Power Options > Advanced Power Settings via Control Panel. Expand the Display item. You will now see an additional entry: Console lock display off timeout. 
You would not have seen it earlier, but after editing the registry, you will get to see it. 

Friday, January 05, 2018

Windows Keyboard Shortcuts I Use

Windows 10

Winkey + A - Activates Action Center

Winkey + R - Run a command

Winkey + E - Opens File Explorer

Winkey + D - Shows desktop

Winkey + E - Opens File Explorer

Winkey + L - Locks a machine

Winkey + R - Run a command

Winkey + S - Activates Cortana

Winkey + X - Opens power user features

Winkey + Left / Right / Up / Down - Snaps apps to the side of a screen (press Up or Down after snapping left / right to enable four apps to snap)

Alt+Tab - Switch Tasks

From "The best Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts",  29 Jul 2015, Tom Warren, The Verge


Winkey + V - pastes plain text

Windows 7

Taskbar and Start Menu Preferences

Here are the settings I like on Windows 10

Combine taskbar buttons 

I like the "When the taskbar is full" setting.

Here is what it looks like

Adjust for best performance

To adjust the visual effects in Windows
1. In the search box on the taskbar, type performance, then select Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows.
2. In the Performance Options dialog box, on the Visual Effects tab, select Adjust for best performance > Apply.

3. Restart your PC and see if that speeds up your PC.
(Tip #9 from this post)

I usually add a few things back to it like this.
